Play with tutorial!!! and you will learn all this and more

Left --> A
Right --> D
Jump --> Space
Growth --> Left Click (hover over the object)
Restart --> R (or HUD button)

Welcome to Anything Growths. A 2D platformer Puzzle Game made with Godot.
The game where you can “growth”  different things to achieve the goal of reaching the next room. When you hover the mouse over something\nthe red marker tells you if it can grow.  The EXIT marks, well, the exit. You can always restart the level with the button or “R” key.
Whenever you make something grow it makes some physical property change.
When enemies get bigger they become slower. In opposition when you make anything grow, you shrink. That makes you smaller, faster, but you jump less and is harder to control your character. Your jump is variable. As more you press the jump key, you go higher.

Enemies can collide with each other.  Use this to your advantage.
Beware, all things can grow until 5 times, individually. But you can only use 6 'growth' per level. You CAN’T undo, choose wisely"

You have a time limit for each level. If you don’t reach the EXIT when the clock hits 0 the level restart.


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This was a super interesting take on the theme! Really creative and a nice twist to a normal 2D platformer. I enjoyed the music, I thought it fit the game nicely. The only comment I have for improvement is the colors of the visuals. The weight block looks like it's a bit of a different art style and there isn't a super coherent color scheme. Aside from that, I enjoyed playing the game and thought the UI was also really well done!

Thanks for the feedback. I know my color scheme is far from good. I worked alone without an artist and my strong suit is programming.  

No worries! It was a fun game :)